At A&M-Commerce, 奖学金的目的是奖励, 鼓励和协助研究生继续学业, research and other goals. 他们是根据学业成绩授予的, extra-curricular activities, volunteer services, employment and financial need.


Next Step Scholarship

The Next Step Senior Scholarship is a one-time non-competitive scholarship available for graduate students and doctoral students graduating from A&移动商务和返回研究生院. 这项奖学金的资金是有限的. 请查看网页,了解应用程序何时打开的最新信息.

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Admitted students are able to apply for donor-funded and departmental scholarship opportunities by completing our General Scholarship Application. Students admitted in a CBE (Competency-Based Education) program or accepted under the PSA program are not eligible to apply for donor-funded scholarships.

The 2023-2024 scholarship application cycle for donor-funded and departmental scholarships begins October 1, 2022. 申请将进行三轮审核. 大多数机会的优先截止日期是2023年1月15日. 另外还有两个截止日期:3月15日和6月1日. 任何offer都需要在三轮的截止日期前被接受. 任何在截止日期前未被接受的奖项将被取消,资金将提供给其他学生. 取消的报价将不会恢复. After applying, 一定要经常检查门户网站,以了解可能出现的任何新机会. 录取通知将通过学生的myLeo电子邮件地址发送.

  • Log in to myLEO and click on the APPS tab.
  • Click on Scholarships.
  • 点击位于页面右上角的“注册”按钮.
  • 您需要您的LeoMail大学电子邮件地址和用户创建的密码来设置帐户.
  • 您的LeoMail帐户将收到一封确认邮件, 您将需要单击电子邮件中的皇冠体育365,以便第一次访问门户
  • Log in to myLEO and click on the APPS tab.
  • Click on Scholarships.
  • 点击位于页面右上角的“登录”按钮.
  • 使用您的LeoMail大学电子邮件地址和之前创建的密码登录.
    • Should you forget your password, 点击“登录困难”输入您的LeoMail电子邮件地址, 然后点击“恢复密码”. 您将收到一封密码重置邮件.

当您第一次登录奖学金门户网站时,您将进入普通奖学金申请页面. 这个申请可以让你申请捐赠奖学金和部门奖学金. 我们将利用这些信息为你匹配奖学金机会. 你需要填写所有的问题. If any information is missing, you will be prompted to complete the missing information before you are able to submit the application.

请密切关注所提出的问题. 可能有一些选项需要选择,如“其他”或“不适用”.” For example, 如果你就读的高中没有显示在“高中名称”部分, you will select “Other,” and you will need to respond to the following statement: “If you chose ‘Other’ for High School Name, please specify.”

在普通奖学金申请中,您还将看到申请人记录选项卡. 申请人信息来自我们的学生信息系统. 如果你发现信息不正确,请发邮件 [email protected] 这样我们就可以建议你如何更正这些信息.

填写完申请表后,您将选择“完成”和“继续”.” You also have the option to save the application without submitting it until you are completely finished. 您可以通过点击“保存并继续编辑”来做到这一点.”

导航到“机会”,然后点击“推荐”.” The list of recommended opportunities shown is comprised of scholarships that will require you to answer additional questions, 提供额外的信息或提供一篇文章.

为了让你确定你需要提交什么信息来申请特定的奖学金, 点击你想要审查的奖学金旁边的“申请”按钮. 完成所需信息后,您将单击“Finish and Submit”.” Please note: This process will need to be repeated for each recommended scholarship for which you would like to be considered.

您还会注意到“机会”部分的“所有”选项卡. 这些是所有可用的奖学金. 不申请此选项卡中列出的任何其他奖学金. 你应该只申请“推荐”选项卡上的奖学金.

On the “My Applications” tab you will see the scholarships that have been automatically matched with your information provided on the General Scholarship Application. 你会自动被考虑申请这些奖学金. 这些特殊奖学金不需要采取进一步行动.

当您完成了推荐机会所需的附加信息时, 这些奖学金将出现在“当前”部分. 每个奖学金将显示为一个方框,其状态在右上角.

You may also log in to view updates regarding your application status for various scholarship opportunities in the “Current” section during the application review process.

The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will notify applicants via their LeoMail account if a scholarship offer has been made.

The priority deadline to apply for most university donor-funded scholarships for the upcoming academic year is January 15. Scholarships with remaining funds to be awarded after the review of the applications by the priority deadline may be reopened for additional applications on a rolling basis until all funds have been committed.


  • 优先截止日期- 2023年1月15日
  • 常规截止日期- 2023年3月15日
  • 最后的截止日期- 2023年6月1日
Notice of Awards & Acceptance Deadlines
  • 优先截止日期- 2023年2月9日- Must be accepted by March 1
  • 常规截止日期- 2023年4月1日- Must be accepted by May 1
  • 最后的截止日期- 2023年6月19日- Must be accepted by July 10

随着新的奖学金机会的不断增加, please continue to log in to the Scholarship Portal for any new scholarship opportunities that may become available.

一些推荐的机会可能需要推荐信. 在“Home”选项卡上,你会看到一个标题为“Manage References”的选项卡.当你添加某人作为参考人时, we will contact them with instructions on how to upload their reference letter to complete the reference. You will see the status here. 如有必要,您可以回到此位置添加其他参考资料.

建议你征求推荐人的许可,以使用他们作为推荐人. 一旦你申请了,让他们知道你会收到一封带有说明的电子邮件. 这将有助于及时完成您的参考.

If you have additional questions regarding the Scholarship Portal or the General Scholarship Application, please email [email protected].

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Grad Scholarships: A&M-Commerce Graduate Scholarships

A&M-Commerce Graduate Scholarships

  • Keith & Nancy McFarland Scholarship
  • H. M. Lafferty Doctoral Scholarship
  • Jerry & Marilyn Morris Scholarship
  • J. 卡伦·索尔斯研究生奖学金
  • Graduate Fellowship Endowment
  • 南希·露丝·勒诺瓦纪念基金
  • 博士生奖学金基金
  • Drs. 威尔弗雷德和博比·迪特里希基金会
  • Multi-Cultural Alumni Endowment
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Grad Scholarships: Fellowships


The Graduate School has limited funds to support summer fellowships on a competitive basis for master’s, specialist, 博士学位论文完成最后阶段的博士生. These fellowships are for students who plan to spend the majority of the summer completing their thesis or dissertation and plan to graduate at the end of the summer or fall semester.

Competition opens March 1, 2024

Fellowship Award

每个奖学金将是1000美元. 如果你在奖学金期限内获得经济援助, 可能需要调整总经济援助奖励. 不要犹豫,与他们取得联系 Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships (903.886.5096)了解有关该奖学金如何影响经济援助的更多信息. Note that fellowship funding is limited and only complete application packets will be reviewed for final award determination.


  • 在a大学有良好学术成绩的硕士、专科或博士研究生&M-Commerce.
  • 已经收到研究生院的提案/论文批准 & Dissertation Services no later than April 12, 2024.
  • be enrolled in at least three (3) hours of a thesis (518) course or dissertation (718) course during one of the summer terms for the fellowship period.

完整的申请材料必须在此之前提交 5:00 p.m. April 12, 2024. 逾期提交的材料将不被接受. 当比赛开始时,您可以访问当前的奖学金申请皇冠体育365 March 1st.

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The 霍默·塔特奖学金 was established to assist students with funding in their last term before graduation. Scholarships are limited to only undergraduate and graduate students in their last remaining 3 credit hours.


  • 是FAFSA或TASFA经济援助申请人,在经济援助方面有良好的信誉.
  • 在完成学位所需的最后3个学分注册.
  • 在申请奖学金的学期结束时毕业, 并了解他们必须在注册办公室存档毕业申请.
  • Provide a complete application which includes information from their Academic Advisor as documentation of remaining course requirement to complete degree.
  • 在申请任何提供的经济援助后,是否有到期的余额.
  • 追求能力本位学位的学生, such as the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) in Organizational Leadership and Competency Based Criminal Justice (CBCJ), 没有资格申请德州A&大学商务奖学金.

  • 填写申请表格 Homer Tate Scholarship.
  • Applications must be submitted on or before the 12th class day of the fall or spring semester of the 4th class day of the summer semester.
  • 奖学金申请按收到的顺序进行审查.
  • 请查看您的LeoMail,了解有关奖学金的信息.
  • 资金有限,所以今天申请!

Frequently Asked Questions

I am an International Student. Am I eligible to apply?

Unfortunately, no. 你还必须是一个有FAFSA或TASFA申请文件的经济援助申请人.

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如果提供的金额足以支付你的余额, 那么你就没有资格申请奖学金了. “经济援助”包括奖学金、助学金和贷款. Keep in mind that most federal and institution funds will not disburse for students in 3 credit hours.

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What is a graduation application?

A graduation application is your application to graduate from the university and receive your diploma.

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I applied. What happens now?

Please continue to monitor your LeoMail 就奖学金事宜进行沟通.

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Email us

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If you choose to apply early, 请理解,申请将只处理当前学期, after the application deadline. 举个例子,如果你在第二暑期毕业, and it is currently the May Mini, 您的申请将在夏季第二人口普查日期之后才会被处理.


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What if I am on a payment plan?

If awarded the scholarship, 它仍然可以支付你的学费和其他费用.

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If awarded the scholarship, it would still pay the amount you were billed for tuition and applicable fees (unless you were offered sufficient financial aid to cover your balance, and declined it). Keep in mind that most federal and institution funds will not disburse for students in 3 credit hours.

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请提供课外作业的证明文件, 申请侯默·泰特在这所学校的最后三个小时. 霍默·塔特基金不能用于课外作业. 您可能有资格完成联合体协议. 霍默塔特奖学金的申请资格将由奖学金办公室决定.

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Complete the online application.

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Outside Scholarships

Scholarships and awards from outside private and non-profit institutions and organizations are a great way to help finance your education.

A&M-Commerce compiles a list of several outside scholarships although students are encouraged to also search on their own. The scholarship directories below are a valuable resource for researching and finding many scholarships on one site for which you may be eligible.

如果你获得了任何类型的奖项, 通常是来自a以外的奖学金或企业赞助&M-Commerce, 你必须尽快将其报告给财政援助和奖学金办公室 Outside Resource Form. An adjustment in your financial aid offer may be needed according to the guidelines of the aid programs currently offered. You may be required to repay financial assistance you have already received if you are no longer eligible for those aid programs.

You can send the Outside Resource Form to [email protected].

As a recipient of an 校外奖学金或企业赞助,请告知捐赠人 证明学生的名字和学期,这笔钱适用于 check or letter included. All 奖学金/赞助/捐赠资金应寄至:

Financial Aid and Scholarships
Texas A&M University-Commerce
P.O. Box 3011
Commerce, TX 75429

下面的皇冠体育365仅供参考. 收录不构成背书. Neither the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships nor A&移动商务可以保证信息的准确性 这些网站信息的及时性.

Always be cautious and ensure 任何奖学金都是合法的,不是骗局.

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